
Colony Expansion

The colony development gameplay features involve contributing resources to a larger shared goal, along with other members of the community, in the hopes of obtaining valuable NFTs to add to one’s collection. Colony development revolves around the utility of three resource tokens, namely, Data, Fuel, and Construction Materials. Players can contribute resources to the specific pools to gain their respective rewards.

Data and Discoveries

The Data token is acquired by performing a number of different research tasks within the colony and transmitting the results back to Earth for analysis as part of resource gameplay. Data can be obtained via the exploration mini game as well as being a higher tier output from several different cards within the colony. Periodically, players who have contributed Data token to the Discovery pool will have a chance to receive a Discovery NFT. The chance of winning the NFT grows in proportion to the amount of Data token contributed. Once Data tokens are contributed to the pool, they are burnt.

Discoveries take time to find, so players must be both patient and strategic when choosing which areas of research to allocate their Data token. Once proper analysis and testing has been completed, a Discovery will be made. For each Data token a player contributes to the Discovery pool during a research period, they will have a chance at acquiring the Major Discovery or one of many corresponding Minor Discovery NFTs.

Fueling Up Convoys

The Fuel Resource token is acquired by providing Power and Water to Fuel Plants and Fuel Generators. There may be additional items that produce Fuel in future missions. The Fuel produced is used to send the Rocketships back to Earth so they can return with new astronauts and equipment to continue the colony’s expansion. In terms of colony development gameplay, there will be Rocketship Fuel pools which represent the Rocketships being refueled by the colony, and players will be able to see the payload, represented by Ownership and Sponsorship Cards.

Players can contribute Fuel for a chance at winning Ownership and Sponsorship Cards from the convoy for the next Mission. As with Data, winners will have a chance to win based on the amount of Fuel they contribute. Once Fuel tokens are contributed, they are burnt.

Constructing New Buildings on Mars

The Mars-based construction process will be represented in resource gameplay and colony development via Construction Materials. The process typically starts with a compact life support module shipped from Earth. Large 3D printers use a mixture of regolith (Martian dirt) and plant-based biopolymers to extrude a concrete-like material which makes up the building shape. This shape is printed off of the life support module until it is completed. 

When new complex structures are required for the colony’s expansion, they will be displayed on incoming Rocketships. These initial components house the intricate electronics and life-support systems that as of yet cannot be manufactured within the colony. Upon their arrival, a schematic view of the building will appear on the colony map, and each will take differing amounts of time and resources to construct, with the larger and more complex buildings taking significant colony-wide collaboration to create. 

Each building created is awarded to one player that has contributed Construction Materials to that specific project. The more Construction Materials contributed to the project, the higher chance of winning the Ownership Card.

Land Development

As the Mars base grows and becomes self-sufficient, players will be given an opportunity to acquire or lease virtual land by spending their MARTIA token. Owning land allows players to build a mini colony in-game, simulating possible colonization efforts in the future. Communities and individual players can strategize to own land adjacent to each other or scattered in the Martian environment.

The land design will be hex-based and will indicate statistics about resources that are available in a specific plot of land. The land NFT will be a representation of real Martian topology as provided by current space information.